Although power surges are mostly triggered by lightning and power grid switching within your area, they can also originate inside your home. Such occurrences take place when heavy-duty appliances like refrigerators, air conditioners, home entertainment systems, or vacuums draw an abnormally large amount of excess power that travels throughout the circuit. Such an electric draw will overpower your other electronics and home appliances. Regardless of the source, power surges have always been a threat not just to the lifespan of appliances but most importantly to safety.
What is a power surge?
A power surge, or also known as electrical surge, happens when something causes a spike in the power lines’ electrical charge resulting in a surge of potential electrical energy. This increase escalates, eventually increasing the power flowing to wall outlets. In most electricity distribution systems, electrical surges are an inevitable occurrence. They can be severe enough to gradually or immediately damage your appliances at home.
Below are reasons why you should have surge protection:
1. Power surge protection benefits your power system.
If your energy consumption at home is high, the stability of your electricity flow might get hampered. Your fuses will blow out, cutting the power off as soon as surges are detected. While this helps prevent the problem from escalating, fuse replacement and other electrical fixes can still cost you a fortune. This makes investing in power surge protection a smart decision to make. With it, you get a stable and reliable flow of electricity in your circuit and appliances are spared any surge-triggered damages.
2. Surge protectors will help you have comfortable and uninterrupted rest at home.
Your home is supposed to be a place where you can have quality time and relaxation. Sadly, a simple electrical issue caused by a power surge can interrupt that. This is one of the reasons why surge protectors are considered a must-have for many. It can save you such annoying troubles. Although there are local electricians in the area that can come to your rescue, prevention is still a lot better.
3. Surge protectors protect your appliances.
Over 20 energy spikes can happen per day on average. Without proper surge protection, it will only take one powerful and damaging strike to damage your hard-earned appliances and before you know it, you’ll be spending a fortune to have them repaired or replaced.
Without proper surge protection, you are putting all your home appliances at risk and it is going to be very stressful having to unplug all your appliances during stormy weather just to ensure that a lightning strike or a power surge does not damage them. What if it’s freezing out and you need your space heaters on, but you don’t have any power?
Reliable commercial surge protectors may come with a hefty price tag but having one will surely keep your appliances intact and secured from power surges. The convenience it offers will be worth it.
Selecting the Right Surge Protector
Most people aren’t willing to pay for a good surge protector; most homeowners end up opting for power strips. While this may be a cheaper option, power strips do not offer enough protection from power surges.
If you have the right budget, do not settle for these sub-par solutions. Instead, find a surge protector that will best fit your requirements. Also, there are surge protectors that come with USB ports. These types are advantageous for your charging needs.
Another important consideration when choosing a surge protector is its type. Here, you have two options. You can go for a point-of-use device that automatically gives protection on the appliances plugged into it or you can have a service entrance surge protector installed by a registered electrician. The latter will be mounted inside your electrical meter or panel and will serve as a protection for the other appliances not plugged into your point-of-use device.
Other factors to also consider are your surge protector’s surge strength, clamp level, and response time. Hence, you should do a brief comparison of your surge protector options about these areas before buying.
If your house is still surge unprotected, give us a call at ElectriCall!
Our electricians in Arvada are highly trained and experienced at surge protector installations in and around the area. Our team is committed to ensuring your property is safe from electrical threats. Have us take care of your needs! Having reliable surge protectors installed in your home need not be expensive.