Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas that gets emitted from burning gasoline, propane, wood, charcoal or other types of fuel. It is odorless and tasteless but is poisonous and can usually cause victims to pass out to death. As timely detection of carbon monoxide compounds is extremely necessary, the use of carbon monoxide detector has been highly encouraged by environmental, health, and safety (EHS) bodies across the globe. The device aids in fire prevention by automatically producing an alarm, alerting homeowners, once carbon monoxide is detected.
The number of fire incidents in the United States keeps on growing, burdening many lives. In fact, according to the data from the National Fire Protection Association, 3,000 people on an average die every year because of fire. In the case of carbon monoxide, the gas or toxic fume build-up can be a fire hazard. If any household member were to use matches or a lighter, then the build-up can pose a serious threat. That’s why experts suggest that homeowners should use a licensed electrician to install carbon monoxide detectors, along with smoke detectors.
The Importance of Properly Maintaining Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Proper upkeep of your carbon monoxide detectors is necessary to ensure that they will be able to do their job accurately at all times. Without it, here are the hazards that might await you:
GAS EXPOSURE. Most carbon monoxide detectors come handy and are battery operated. However, in order to perform at an optimum, their batteries need to be replaced at least once a year. Failure to do this at needed times increases your risk of gas exposure as your naked eyes and nose won’t be able to detect the gas. Unawareness of this leakage can severely damage your lungs or lead to other serious illnesses without you knowing it. Better than battery operated, you can hire your trusted electrician to install hardwire detectors.
FIRE. Having a faulty carbon monoxide combo smoke detector can mean that you will not be able to respond early in case of fire. As residential fires can spread a lot quicker, not having any means of the alarm might hold you many steps behind, costing your life, your loved ones, and your property.
On the upside, having a reliable carbon monoxide detection system not only keeps you away from such life-threatening risks but also increases the appeal of your property in the eyes of real estate buyers. As the house owner, all you need to do is ensure that you bought the right brand and your detectors are well-maintained – something a licensed electrician can help you with.
Having a well-functioning, carbon monoxide detector system can do wonders in making your home safer, below are tips licensed electrician in Arvada would like to share:
1- Carbon monoxide detectors are worth investing in. Have at least one detector installed in your home as soon as possible and make sure that they are placed wherever the fire is likely to start or where gas-powered appliances are. If you have the budget, the most ideal thing to do would be to install one combo detector on every level or in every room of your home.
2-Choose a detector with a built-in “end-of-life” sensor feature. This feature can give you a signal that a repair or replacement is necessary, allowing you to stay on top in terms of fire safety.
3- Keep battery backed-up; call your trusted carbon monoxide detector electrician right away to have battery back-ups hard-wired in your system. This technology acts as a UPS; it automatically goes up when your detector’s old battery is no longer working, ensuring 24/7 carbon monoxide detection.
4- Have your detectors checked from time to time, especially in winter where heating units are used the most? If you fell on the right brand, you will be able to test the detectors on your own just by pressing their “test” buttons. The good news is; your Arvada Electrician is an expert on the matter and can actually help you through your detector selection process.
5- Maintain a reliable detection system; replace your detectors or alarms before they completely break down. Every detector box comes with an expiration date label. That is usually five to seven years from its manufacturing date.
6- When your most dreaded time comes and your detector alarms, secure yourself and your loved ones out right away and immediately call 911 for a response as soon as you are already in a safe area.
You can take solace that a truly professional electrical company such as ElectriCall is within reach if you want to maintain a reliable carbon monoxide detection system. Call us today; we’ll be delighted to carry out a home safety inspection in your area. Our reliable team of professional electricians can even check your entire electrical system. All it needs is your yes.
Your safety is our topmost priority. Give us a call today and you will be grateful you did.