Reducing energy consumption in your home will no doubt save you a lot of money. After learning about these energy-saving tips and options for your home, you will surely be calling your local residential electrician to help install better alternatives. These energy-saving tips are hard to turn down!
Tip #1: Control plug and vampire loads
Plug load means that there are several devices plugged into a power strip or outlet. It is difficult to manage since they are often scattered and placed in different rooms in the house.
On the other hand, vampire loads refer to the appliances or devices that are plugged in but not turned off, hence secretly draining electricity. Some of the common home appliances that create vampire loads include plugged-in coffee makers, printers, stand fans, cable boxes and toasters.
You might be another homeowner who is guilty of having plug and vampire loads. But don’t fret, there are simple and straightforward measures you can implement that will help manage this electrical problem. Reduce energy consumption by following these management steps:
- Step 1 – Inspect
Which rooms in your home have multiple outlets or are using power strips? Are all the outlets working properly? Also, find out which devices and appliances are often left plugged in even if not in use.
- Step 2 – Unplug
Once you discover which devices and appliances are creating unnecessary electrical loads, unplug them. Or simply turn off unused devices. It is that easy!
- Step 3 – Repair, Replace, or Remove
Are there any electrical outlets in your home that are not being used, broken, or need to be upgraded? Faulty sockets not only disrupt energy flow, but it is also very safe to use. If you are unfamiliar with electrical systems and wiring, it is best to consult and hire a professional home electrical repair service in Arvada to do the job.
Upgrading the outlets could help minimize the use of power extensions. For example, install a separate USB wall port to deal with the bulky chargers and adapters. With it, you can directly plug your mobile devices into the outlet. It is convenient and safer to use.
If you are replacing outdated, traditional outlets, another alternative you should look into is the recessed electrical component. This is not only aesthetically pleasing, it helps with cable management. This type of outlet generally costs less and has enough space to accommodate a couple of electrical plugs and USB cables.
There are various factors to consider when changing electrical outlets such as voltages, frequencies, and correct routing. Seek the assistance of professionals before diving into a project.
Tip #2: Use energy-efficient light options
The HVAC, dishwashers, refrigerators, freezers, computers, and oven ranges are the common home appliances that are thirsty for energy. But did you know that on average, light fixtures take about 5% to 10% of energy?
Although that percentage seems small, it adds up to your energy bills. You can save more money and help the environment by switching your traditional incandescent light fixtures or bulbs to better alternatives. So what are your better options?
- CFLs or Compact Fluorescent Lamps
Although this type generally costs more than other options, it has long-term benefits that will ultimately cut down your utility expenses. CFL consumes less energy compared to traditional bulbs. A 22-watt CFL has the same performance as a 100-watt incandescent bulb.
- LEDs or Light Emitting Diodes
This is one of the consumers’ favorites for being cost-effective and energy-efficient. Unlike incandescent bulbs, LEDs operate at lower temperatures so no energy is lost or wasted.
- Halogen Incandescents
If you like compact, but bright lights, this is what you need. Halogen incandescents may be a smaller fixture, but it produces brighter white light and has a life span 3x longer than the traditional incandescent bulb.
Tip #3: Look for the Energy Star Certification
When purchasing new appliances, really consider brands that have Energy Star certifications, which means the product helps protect the environment, has better energy performance and costs less to operate. If you opt for Energy Star-certified products, you can be confident that the product is of high quality. And you can check all these out of your list:
- Comfort
- Savings
- Energy-efficient
Tip #4: Install a smart thermostat
If your home is not using a smart thermostat, you definitely have to! A smart thermostat helps in controlling internet-connected devices and appliances. You can customize settings to fit your routines like set temperatures for each room, monitor conditions of each space, and easily make adjustments via voice command or phone app.
Best of all, you can schedule operations! That means you can time when the devices and appliances should turn on and off, letting you prevent running power thirty systems unnecessarily. Smart thermostats have a plethora of awesome features that will make your life more comfortable while lowering the percentage of your energy bills.
Tip #5: Hire a professional local residential electrician
Do not want to mess up the wiring of your home? Hire a professional local residential electrician.
Upgrading electrical outlets, replacing light fixtures, and installing thermostats are not that difficult to do. However, if you are not very handy and if you want to prevent causing electrical problems, talk with an electrician nearby first.
People should be energy-savers too! Although these tips and alternatives are like the lowest hanging fruit when it comes to conserving energy, you cannot reap the benefits if you do not make the essential changes.
Need an electrician nearby? Contact us. We can handle any and all electrical-related projects. Installing or upgrading electrical systems is no sweat for us. Talk with us today. ElectriCall has the insights and skills to make your home more energy-efficient.