A home is where people can naturally find solitude and comfort. Most people add houseplants and repaint their homes to add a cozier feeling. Though, on the other end of the spectrum are those who also find solace in dim-ready lighting, claiming that it was the missing piece that brought them a sense of coziness, class, and entertainment. If you’ve considered updating your interior lighting then read on or contact us now.
Why Should You Have Dim Light Settings?
After a long day’s work, there are times when we end up feeling irritable or sleepy early in the evening. We often tend to leave some areas at home very lit while some dim, not minding about interior lighting’s relevance to our mood. But did you know that your light settings might have been actually playing with your emotions?
Studies show that lighting does not only affect visual conditions but can also play a significant role in our biological functions and emotions. And as dim lighting is oftentimes associated with winding down and relaxing after work, probably, it is the easiest way to achieve that solitude you have been expecting of your abode.
Below are more reasons why you should have dim light settings:
1, You can easily achieve a perfect setting with dim lighting.
You need not spend a lot on the interior renovation. Interior beautification is hard to achieve if you have an outdated interior lighting design, that features only on/off settings. But if your light settings are already dim-ready, you can effortlessly achieve that ambiance you have been wanting and it will only take one touch. You can never go wrong with this cost-efficient feature.
2. Dim lighting is a cost-efficient home beauty hack.
Since dim lighting bulbs do not operate at full capacity, not only can dim lighting transform the ambiance of your home, it can also help you save electricity as long as your trusted licensed electrician takes care of your interior lighting installation. Their lifespan often lasts up to three times longer than the regular bulbs. That’s another potential saving, right?
3. Dim lighting can mold and harness your emotions.
Dim lighting not only helps people relax but can also harness and mold people’s emotions. Scientists claim that dim lights can push people to think, rationalize, and negotiate better. And like them, Alixon Jing Xu who is an assistant professor of management at the University of Toronto Scarborough and Aparna Labroo of Northwestern University has backed up the claim after studying and testing the link between human emotion and lighting.
At Xu’s experiment, she asked her respondents to rate random things, i.e. the aggressiveness of certain fictional characters, the spiciness of buffalo wings’ sauce, the taste of two different juice flavors, and the attractiveness of some by-passers. She asked all these under different lighting settings and it was found out that bright lighting intensified their reactions while dim lighting made them think and assess better.
As bright lighting can dramatically intensify the feelings or emotions of people, those prone to depression may end up feeling worse. On the other hand, having dim lighting can actually aid in better and more laid-back decision-making.
4. Dim light settings facilitate variable lighting at home.
Variable lighting is advisable especially if you are working at home as the amount of light you will need may vary depending on your tasks. For instance, if you are dealing with papers, you might need a more focused brightness. However, your lighting requirement may change when you’re at the computer or in front of a digital screen. This is where a dim light setting becomes the best solution. Having it installed in your work area allows you to dim your overhead lights and provide specific lights that you can always turn on or off based on your task and preference.
5. Dim lighting can help you get a good night’s sleep.
During the absence of light, our retinas’ light-sensitive cells immediately tell our brains that it is time to rest and hibernate. Consequently, our pineal gland starts producing melatonin, also known as the sleep hormone.
However, since light stimulates alertness, any brightness can easily disrupt melatonin production. This is why people without dim light settings would be torn between leaving their bedroom lights completely off or otherwise. Sometimes, as a result, they would end up dealing with an interfered sleeping cycle.
Meanwhile, those who have dim lighting already installed in their system can easily manage their exposure to light at bedtime for enhanced quality and quantity of sleep.
Dim Light Installation
Having a dim light setting installed in your household isn’t actually a complex process. All it takes are a dimmer device set and a call to a master electrician in Arvada. The latter will properly install a dimmer switch or low wattage bulbs in table lamps to control brightness in your favorite areas at home. It is that easy.
Don’t know any professional who can help? Give us a call at ElectriCall. Besides our reliable electrical repair and maintenance services, we can also help you achieve that interior lighting that you have always wanted. Elevate your movie-watching or working experience at home with quality and affordability. Call us today and let’s start working on it!